Breeder's Corner

Hidden Valley Border Collies

January 9, 2015

Congratulations Jean Eichenlaub of CA with her dog Ping, who earned her championship in CPE, making this her third agility championship.  Ping is now:

MACH ADCH C-ATCH Hidden Valley’s Wild Cadenza, MXS MJS MXF


Congratulations to those who earned titles last weekend at the trial in Ridgefield, WA.

Wayne Schultz of OR,  earned an Open FAST (OF) title on his young dog Cammie.  (Mya-Rex girl ’13)  Hidden Valley Classic, OA NAJ OF

Patty  O’Bleness of OR, earned her Open Fast (OF) title on her young dog Jazzie.  (Rhea-Solar girl ’13)  Hidden Valley All that Jazz, OA OAJ OF

Jane Schultz of OR, earned her Open Agility (OA) title on her young dog Jag.  (Rhea-Solar boy ’13)  Hidden Valley Dancing in the Street, OA NAJ

Jennifer Evans of OR earned her Open Agility (OA) title on her dog Dare.  (Reddy-Caleb boy ’09)  Hidden Valley Reddy to Take the Rick, OA AXJ XF AAD


Calli’s puppies will be leaving next week to go to their new homes in OR & WA.

Week 6


Mya has been bred to an outstand dog in CA, owned by Nora Bieber,  named Ricky.   ATCH Bronze TNT Ricochet.



Art and I will be going to the Rose City trial in Portland next weekend, where I’m looking forward to seeing many of my puppies and friends.  That’s always exciting for me 🙂



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