Hidden Valley Border Collies
Taylor came as a surprise present from my Lefty, who left me at 13 years old, back in 2008. Lefty’s frozen semen was used on Daisy Peel’s Juno to produce a puppy for Art, who only wanted a puppy from Lefty. Art, being a boy dog person was a bit disappointed when the Lefty lookalike…
Born on April 15, 2015 in France, bred by Andrea Turner of Bye and Away Border Collies. Lola arrived from France just two days ago and has made herself at home. She is a wonderfully happy, playful, sociable and fearless puppy. My thanks to Andrea for breeding such a great puppy, with a rock solid temperament…
After thanking my own Mother, I would like to acknowledge the Mothers of Hidden Valley. The girls who have brought such joy and meaning to my life, and happiness to the lives of so very many others. My wonderful Hidden Valley family is HUGE 🙂 In 1984, starting with my dear sweet Rosie. Dreamalot Dandy…
The grass is growing, the trees are in full bloom and baby critters are everywhere. We are adding to the Spring Fling with a batch of new puppies. Juno has been bred to Digsy, with puppies due the first week of June. I am very excited about this breeding and hoping, once again to see…
I’m happy to announce that TEN Hidden Valley teams will be competing at the 2015 AKC agility Nationals in Reno next weekend. I’m especially proud that Bindi and I are one of them. GOOD LUCK to everyone and let’s have FUN! Here are the Hidden Valley stars to watch: FLASH MACH3 Hidden Valley Brilliant Flash and Art…
Art and I went to the Doberman trial at Ridgefield WA this past weekend. Awesome time with so many of my HV friends and their puppies. Kathy Vogan was there with Yankee, who I have not seen in probably five years. So good to see Kathy and Yankee having so much fun and looking good too. Susan…
It should have been a four day trial for Bindi and I, but was cut short by two days when Delta, Bindi and Mya all came down with a case of food poisoning the day we were set to leave. Art went on ahead to deliver Calli’s puppies to their new owners, Sandy Rowan and Tanya…
Congratulations Jean Eichenlaub of CA with her dog Ping, who earned her championship in CPE, making this her third agility championship. Ping is now: MACH ADCH C-ATCH Hidden Valley’s Wild Cadenza, MXS MJS MXF Congratulations to those who earned titles last weekend at the trial in Ridgefield, WA. Wayne Schultz of OR, earned an Open FAST…
I would like to start off the New Year, and my new ‘News Blog’, by congratulating all my Hidden Valley puppies, and their owners, who have qualified to go to the AKC Nationals this year. JOVI MACH ADCH Hidden Valley Slippery When Wet, MXB MJB T2B (Nancy Bousquet of GA) FLASH MACH3 Hidden Valley Brilliant Flash, CD…